It is the reinforcement programme for capacities of the stakeholders involved in the conflicts management. They come from NGOs, women’ organisations, parliamentarians, security forces, students, citizens, public authorities’ representatives…

The unit organises for them conferences and seminars related to the Human Rights respect in general, and initiate popularisation campaigns about laws and texts related to international conventions such as:

  • The Convention about refugees and displaced persons
  • The Convention against torture
  • The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW )
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

History of organised meeting and seminars

Here is below a non-exhaustive list of seminars and meetings organised by CAPREC.

  • In November 1998, a seminar about “Health and Human Rights” in Dakar, in partnership with AVRE and the National Organisation for Human Rights in Senegal (ONDH).
  • On March 8th 1999, an awareness day about “Women and torture in conflicts situations” in Thies, Senegal.
  • On June 26th 1999, a large distribution day of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of the Convention against torture.
  • In December 1999, a seminar about “The prevention of torture and the right to health” in Dakar, in partnership with AVRE, FIDH and ONDH.
  • In November 2000, the inter-African training meeting about handling medico-social care to victims of torture in Thies, Senegal, in partnership with AVRE.
  • In December 2003, a training seminar about Istanbul protocol, in partnership with AVRE and the West-African Centre for Health Professionals, gathering doctors from Guinea, Congo, Burkina Faso and Casamance. During this event, the Peace Book award was given to the rehabilitation unit of CAPREC.
  • In November and December 2005, a seminar about the role of the civil society in the conflicts prevention, and the fight against impunity; in partnership with the Intergovernmental Agency for Francophonie. This training welcomed experts from Niger, Mauritania and Guinea.
  • In February 2008, CAPREC hosted a regional seminar about reinforcing capacities of the rehabilitation centres for victims of torture members of the IRCT network in Sub-Saharan Africa. 17 centres from 9 countries (Denmark, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Cameroun, DRC, Sierra Leone and Nigeria) attended this meeting.
  • 2008: Project of juridical assistance to victims of torture and of domestic violence; campaigns for the promotion of children’ births registration in the regions of Thies and Khombole, Senegal. In partnership with KIOS Foundation.
  • 2009-2010: Project for the promotion and the protection of Women’s Rights through the CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women) in three Senegalese districts. In partnership with KIOS Foundation.
  • In December 2011, in Thies, Senegal, a regional seminar on “How to better give autonomy to victims of torture?” – theme that is one of the components of the programme “Developing means of subsistence for the victims of torture”. In partnership with IRCT and the European Union.
  • From November to December 2013: project of awareness and popularisation of conventions against torture and detention conditions in three prisons in the regions of Thies and Dourbel, Senegal. In partnership with OIF.
  • From September to October 2015: two information sessions about the refugees and asylum seekers’ rights; in partnership with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Dakar. Project of direct assistance to victims of torture, refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.

June 26th: Every year, CAPREC celebrates the UN International day of support to the victims of torture. The purpose of this day is to promote the prevention of torture and the psychological, social and medical resorts to torture.