The unit of rehabilitation (previously « VIVRE CAPREC) for victims of tortures, cruel, inhuman, degrading treatments, and of sexual crimes was created in 2001 in partnership with the NGO AVRE (Association des Victimes de Répression en Exil), IRCT (International Rehabilitation Council for victims of Torture) and ICAR Foundation.

Rehabilitation is a process that enables the survivor and their family to start over a new life.
In this purpose, CAPREC brings multidisciplinary treatments and a comprehensive approach including:

  • Medical assistance
  • Psychotherapy
  • Psycho-social assistance
  • Trauma treatments
  • Juridical and reparation services
  • Help to economic and social reintegration.


Beneficiaries of the rehabilitation unit are of different orders:

  • Victims of tortures, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatments, and of sexual crimes;
  • Returned or displaced persons;
  • Refugees;
  • Prison or police inmates;
  • Victims of conjugal or domestic violence;
  • Organisations / CBO (Community-Based Organisations);
  • Local and customary authorities.

A team of independent doctors is in charge of the medical part: a psychiatrist and a GP. They manage a medical service of general medicine, first care, attentiveness and orientation towards specialised practitioners (trauma surgeons, gynaecologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, labs, radiologists, obstetricians…).

A team of social workers and a casual psychologist is in charge of the psycho-social part. They run social investigations, counselling appointments, and therapy sessions for victims in collaboration with the doctors. In addition, they are in charge of helping victims in social-economical reintegration projects and income-generating activities.

The juridical part is managed by a law office in charge of expediting complaint files to court against persons presumed guilty of torture deeds, or of assault and battery towards women; and in charge of bringing proceedings, claims to refugee status or asylum to the competent courts.