Beneficiaries of the rehabilitation unit are of different orders:

  • Victims of tortures, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatments, and of sexual crimes;
  • Returned or displaced persons;
  • Refugees;
  • Prison or police inmates;
  • Victims of conjugal or domestic violence;
  • Organisations / CBO (Community-Based Organisations);
  • Local and customary authorities.


Binta, 37, The Gambia:

As a nurse, I regularly used to care detenees of the NIA (National Intelligence Agency, the Gambian secret services). After my refusal to declare as natural death what obviously seemed a victim of torture, my life became hell. I was intimidated, my relatives were threatened. Leaving our life and our families to go to Senegal became the only possible option ».

When they arrived on Senegal, Binta’s family was supported by CAPREC in the procedure to enter their asylum request. They also benefited from a financial support for the food, transports and rent costs. Binta, who was showing heavy post-traumatic stress disorders, has been followed by CAPREC’s psychologist who gave her the appropriate medication. Her husband and she have also been supported in getting back to a business activity (selling second-hand clothing, selling fish) generating a small income appreciated in their precarious life.
A few months after the end of Jammeh’s regime, it’s with the encouragement and financial support of CAPREC that Binta and her family decided a voluntary return to the Gambia.

Marie, 52, Central African Republic:

In 2013, Selekas rebels burnt my business and my house. My son-in-law has been killed in front of my eyes. Then my daughter, my grandson and I have been kidnapped and victims of slave trade in Chad for 4 years ».

When their arrived in Senegal, Marie and her closed ones were supported by CAPREC in obtaining their residence cards and refugee status. Marie is still accompanied by CAPREC’s psychologist for her depression related to years of ordials and mistreatments.

Samba, 31, The Gambia:

I left the Gambia several months after my father’s disappearance. He was a senior officer in the army during Jammeh’s government. I felt that my life was threatened. It’s only 4 years later, following to end of the regime, that I have learned he had been killed; they still haven’t found his remains. I’m still not ready to go back, the fear is too big in spite of Jammeh’s fall ».

Samba was supported by CAPREC in order to get the refugee status allowing him to stay in Senegal. He is now advised and orientated towards other organisations helping him to find a new host country where his mother tongue and skills will enable him to find a job. He is still accompanied by CAPREC’s psychologist in order to overcome his anxiety.

Awa, 29, Senegal:

While I was six months pregnant, my two years old baby girl was kidnapped during the night and raped by an  acquaintance of my husband’s ».

It’s one year after the event that Awa passed CAPREC’s doorstep to ask for psychological help. Legal counselling and support are have been implemented in order to help her in the proceedings against the paedophile.

Ousmane, 40, Ghana : 

I’ve had to leave the Gambia because I was pressured following to my father’s exile. He used to be a military under the previous government.  After years of ordeals throughout Africa and Europe due to the precariousness of my status, it’s thanks to CAPREC that I found stability again ».

Ousmane, desoriented and showing paranoia symptoms after years of persecution and moves, is benefiting from the psychiatric and medicinal cares of CAPREC.