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FRAX is a clinical tool for assessing the risk of fractures in people with osteoporosis. FRAX is a sophisticated risk assessment instrument, developed by the University of Sheffield. The other major fractures are your spine, forearm, and shoulder. Read our editorial policy. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Copyright Medicalalgorithms.com Limited. The Fracture Risk Assessment Tool, or FRAX, is a free online tool that estimates your risk of having a hip or other major fracture in the next 10 years, especially if you have osteoporosis. Clinicians should consider discontinuing bisphosphonate therapy after five years in women without a personal history of vertebral fractures. All rights reserved. Predicts fracture risk in the 6 months after radiotherapy, which may not be relevant for many patients (i.e., if no plans for radiotherapy and/or short life expectancy). For this reason reliance should not be placed on a patient's report of 'arthritis' unless there is clinical or laboratory evidence to support the diagnosis. Its a painless, non-invasive scan that measures bone strength in your hip and spine. 1. Calculator About References. Fracture probability is also underestimated with multiple fractures. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. For the FRAX score calculator, you'll have to answer several questions about habits such as alcohol intake and other disorders you may have that are linked to osteoporosis, such as type 1. Please answer the questions below to calculate the ten year probability of fracture with BMD. (BMD) Please select the make of DXA scanning equipment used and then enter the actual femoral neck BMD (in g/cm2). In a dosage of 20 mcg per day given subcutaneously for up to two years, teriparatide decreases vertebral and nonvertebral fractures.16,26 Teriparatide is approved for the treatment of postmenopausal women with severe bone loss, men with osteoporosis who have high risk of fracture, and individuals whose condition has not improved with bisphosphonate therapy. If you are younger than 45, click here to take the Bone Health Quiz, If you are a Health Care Professional filling this out. Secondary osteoporosis is caused by other health conditions (Table 4).2 Up to 30% of osteoporosis cases in postmenopausal women are estimated to be from a secondary cause.10 The estimate climbs to greater than 50% in men, premenopausal women, and perimenopausal women if vitamin D deficiency is included as a secondary cause.1113 In addition to performing a history and physical examination, expert consensus suggests a basic laboratory evaluation for all newly diagnosed patients to determine if there are contraindications for certain osteoporosis medications and to identify the more common secondary causes. This T-score shows how much your bone density is compared to a healthy 30-year-old adult. Oral bisphosphonates inhibit osteoclastic activity and are antiresorptive agents. The loss of bone minerals quicker than you can replace them is called bone demineralization, which can lead to other conditions like osteoporosis. Long-term use of these medications is associated with several serious side effects, including fractures and jawbone deterioration. You can use this calculator to work out your risk of developing any osteoporotic (i.e. These are real scientific discoveries about the nature of the human body, which can be invaluable to physicians taking care of patients. Questions. Enter yes or no depending on whether the patient currently smokes tobacco (see also notes on risk factors). In their most sophisticated form, the FRAXtool is computer-driven and is available on this site. Privacy Policy. Age (between 40 and 90 years) or Date of Birth Age: Date of Birth: Y: M: D: 2. This is equivalent to a standard glass of beer (285ml), a single measure of spirits (30ml), a medium-sized glass of wine (120ml), or 1 measure of an aperitif (60ml) (see also notes on risk factors). This is a corrected version of the article that appeared in print. It presents the average risk of people with the same risk factors as those entered for that person. Your doctor will order a bone density test. The FRAX tool has been developed to evaluate fracture risk of patients. A lower FRAX score, but at a younger age, may also require treatment or at least a doctors supervision. MDCalc Your FRAX score is your risk of having an osteoporosis-related fracture in the next 10 years. To compare the power of FRAX without bone mineral density (BMD) and simpler screening tools (OST, ORAI, OSIRIS, SCORE and age alone) in predicting fractures. Learn more about how these and other nutrients can help you prevent osteoporosis, Bone density screenings are used to determine your risk of osteoporosis or of fracturing a bone and may also be used to check whether treatment is, Typically, you don't stop treatment. It usually develops unnoticed over many years until you have a fracture. MICHAEL P. JEREMIAH, MD, BRIAN K. UNWIN, MD, MARK H. GREENAWALD, MD, AND VINCENT E. CASIANO, MD. Copyright 2015 by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. . The FRAX tool has been developed to evaluate fracture risk of patients. Find out more: The Effects of a FRAX Revision for the USA, The Potential Impact of New NOF Guidance on Treatment Patterns, Updated Fracture Incidence Rates for the US Version of FRAX, Copyright 2023 Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation. The ABH FRC is a valuable tool for use in discussions between patients and their health care provider about the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. A person viewing it online may make one printout of the material and may use that printout only for his or her personal, non-commercial reference. The Fracture Risk Calculator was developed using data collected in the internationally renowned Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study conducted by the Bone and Mineral Research Program of Sydneys Garvan Institute of Medical Research. Some items on the FRAX score list of risk factors are manageable. The FRAX models were developed from and validated on population-based cohorts from 4 continents; charts are available for many countries.. Diseases (1991-2010), and the FRAX tool is based on data generated from that centre. Bisphosphonates. Welcome to the QFracture -2016 Web Calculator. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Although research continues, there is currently a limited role for combination therapy beyond clinical trials. A diagnosis of osteoporosis isnt a guarantee that youll have a fracture. If you are thinner or heavier, enter the minimum or maximum, knowing that the results will be an estimate. 24/7 Live Expert. Alternatively, enter the T-score based on the NHANES III female reference data. You can lower your score and your risk right away by quitting cigarettes and cutting back on your alcohol consumption. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. A previous fracture denotes more accurately a previous fracture in adult life occurring spontaneously, or a fracture arising from trauma which, in a healthy individual, would not have resulted in a fracture. Enter yes if the patient takes 3 or more units of alcohol daily. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening all women 65 years and older.5 DEXA of the hip and lumbar spine is the preferred assessment method. Because of the bone-weakening effects of menopause, 1 out of 2 women over the age of 50 will have a fracture related to osteoporosis. Each one, though, represents an important osteoporosis risk factor. If you do not know your Femoral Neck T-score, leave this field blank and click next. The tool was developed to evaluate a patient's 10-year probability of hip fracture and major osteoporotic fracture (clinical spine, forearm, hip, or shoulder fracture). Cortisol and parathyroid level is increased in alcoholics and leads to calcium malabsorption. However, FRAX was neither developed or endorsed by WHO . Do you regularly have >2 alcoholic drinks a day? Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. They then will be able to recommend treatment or suggest ways of preventing osteoporosis. More aggressive treatment usually includes a type of medication called bisphosphonates, such as alendronate (Fosamax) and ibandronate (Boniva). They are considered first-line pharmacologic therapy. Enter "Yes" if you drink 3 or more alcoholic beverages a day. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Gaucher disease is an inherited disorder that causes a buildup of GCase in your body. Has your mother or father had a hip fracture? phone US: +1-818-445-5282. Let's look at why and your. Osteoporosis is diagnosed radiographically based on bone mineral density (BMD) determinations from dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) assessment.4 Although quantitative calcaneal ultrasonography and peripheral DEXA can also predict fracture risk, these modalities do not correlate well enough with central DEXA to be used diagnostically.1,5,6 The World Health Organization (WHO) established commonly accepted definitions of osteoporosis and osteopenia4 (Table 36 ). In patients without a BMD test, the field should be left blank (see also notes on risk factors) (provided by Oregon Osteoporosis Center). The primary test used to diagnose osteoporosis is dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). You are also at an increased risk of falling and fracturing because of blood sugar levels, declining vision, associated peripheral neuropathy and nerve damage. See their website for more information and to use the FRAX tool. Your score is then plotted on a graph that suggests whether you should get treatment or make lifestyle changes to manage your risk. Enter age in whole years, rounding to the nearest year. 1.4 Use either FRAX [ 8] (without a bone mineral density [BMD] value if a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry [DXA] scan has not previously been undertaken) or QFracture [ 9 . Height (cm) 5. Estrogen-replacement therapy for women and testosterone therapy for men are also used to treat osteoporosis. A decrease in BMD could suggest treatment nonadherence, inadequate calcium or vitamin D intake, an unidentified secondary cause of osteoporosis, or treatment failure.48 However, a single-institution study found that although follow-up DEXA scanning for patients with osteoporosis was performed often, this rarely led to changes in treatment, even in patients found to have decreased BMD.49. Its a painless imaging test that uses low levels of radiation. [corrected] Although guidelines are lacking for rescreening women who have normal bone mineral density on initial screening, intervals of at least four years appear safe. The American Bone Health Fracture Risk Calculator (ABH FRC) Version 3.0, published 03/04/2021, estimates 10-year fracture risk for postmenopausal women and men age 45 and older who are not receiving treatment for osteoporosis. And if youve been taking glucocorticoids for a long time, talk with your doctor about whether you can cut back or stop taking those medications altogether. The test usually takes less than 15 minutes. It is a useful tool to aid clinical decision making about the use of pharmacologic therapies in patients with low bone mass. Secondary osteoporosis No Yes 11. Any references to the WHO tool Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. All women 65 years and older should be screened for osteoporosis with dual energy x-ray absorptiometry of the hip and lumbar spine. 7 mechanical forces that would not ordinarily result in fracture. Are you taking a prescription medicine for osteoporosis? The University of Sheffield launched the FRAX tool in 2008. the QRISK3-2018 calculator. Combination Therapy. However, the addition of ethnic databases may not fully distinguish the variability of racial, ethnic, and national origins of the Hispanic community in the Unites States. If ages below or above are entered, the programme will compute probabilities at 40 and 90 year, respectively. See permissionsforcopyrightquestions and/or permission requests. The FRAXtool has been developed to evaluate fracture risk of patients. The fun challenges, personalized instruction, and motivating rewards help students build their skills and understanding - all while exploring the galaxy with fractions! RA is a risk factor for fracture. Find out whether you are getting enough of this important mineral in your daily diet by using this simple calculator. Standardized osteoporosis risk factor calculator - The z-score is the number of standard deviations away from the average value they calculate the risk of. The FRAX algorithms give the 10-year probability of fracture. If you are shorter or taller, enter the minimum or maximum, knowing that the results will be an estimate. Be sure to use the minus sign if the T-score is negative. Significantly increased risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fracture of wrist, . Data Sources: We reviewed all cited references from the original 2009 review article, then performed a PubMed search using the following key words: osteoporosis, osteopenia, screening, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, secondary, and vitamin D. The search included meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, and reviews. It is based on individual patient models that integrate the risks associated with clinical risk factors as well as bone mineral density (BMD) at the femoral neck. Aerobic exercise programs that do not incorporate strength and balance training should be avoided because of the association with increased fracture risk.19 A thorough assessment of a patient's risks of falling and mitigation of those risk factors have strong evidence of effectiveness in fall prevention.20 A Cochrane review suggested that hip protectors decrease fracture risk.21, Patients should be counseled to quit smoking because it has been shown to decrease BMD at all skeletal sites.22 Heavy alcohol consumption (defined as more than four drinks per day for men or more than two drinks per day for women) is a major risk factor for fracture and should be discouraged.23, Dietary modifications may have a role in optimizing bone health. Cadarette (2004) Osteoporos Int 15(5):361-366 [PubMed] International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) Assess erectile dysfunction. Your FRAX score is your risk of having an osteoporosis-related fracture in the next 10 years. There is a direct relationship between tobacco and decreased bone density, whether its the smoking or the other risk factors of smokers, such as, being thinner, drinking more alcohol, being less physically active, and having a poor diet. Enter No if you have used creams, gels, or inhaled steroids intermittently. All Rights Reserved.View our Medical disclaimer here- https://www.bonehealthandosteoporosis.org/medical-disclaimer/, Interdisciplinary Symposium on Osteoporosis. How to Interpret FRAX Score for Canada. It has been shown to decrease the occurrence of vertebral compression fractures only.16,26 Although calcitonin has modest analgesic properties in the setting of acute and chronic vertebral compression fracture, it is not considered first-line treatment for osteoporosis because more effective medications are available.16,41 There have also been reports of increased cancer rates associated with use of calcitonin.42, Teriparatide. For these groups, the International Society for Clinical Densitometry recommends use of the z score (age and sex norms). Click here to display the FRAXcalculation tool. if you break any bone (except fingers and toes) from a trip or fall on level ground after age 45, you are twice as likely to break another bone! Additional risk factors such as frequent falls, not represented in FRAX, warrant individual clinical judgment. The output is a 10-year probability of hip fracture and the 10-year probability of a major osteoporotic fracture (clinical spine, forearm, hip or shoulder fracture). Summary What it measures: The Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) is a fracture risk calculator that estimates an individual's 10-year probability of incurring a hip or other major osteoporotic fracture. Other perimenopausal or postmenopausal women with risk factors for osteoporosis if willing to consider pharmacologic interventions: Excessive consumption of alcohol (> 2 drinks per day for women), Low body weight (< 58 kg [128 lb] or body mass index < 20 kg per m, Any history of long-term systemic glucocorticoid therapy ( 3 months), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Bone density screening no more than once every two years beginning at 65 years of age, unless new health risks develop, Selective screening in women younger than 65 years if they are postmenopausal and have other osteoporosis risk factors or fracture, In the absence of new risk factors, DEXA monitoring of therapy should not be repeated after BMD is determined to be stable or improved, In women 65 years and older and in men 70 years and older, In postmenopausal women and men 50 to 69 years of age; recommended based on risk factor profile, With vertebral imaging in those who have had a fracture to determine degree of disease severity, At DEXA facilities using accepted quality assurance measures, In women 65 years and older and in men 70 years and older to diagnose vertebral fractures if T-score is 1.5, In women 70 years and older and in men 80 years and older to diagnose vertebral fractures, regardless of T-score, In postmenopausal women and men 50 years and older with a low-trauma fracture, In postmenopausal women and men 50 to 69 years of age to diagnose vertebral fractures if there is height loss 4 cm (1.5 in), or recent or ongoing long-term glucocorticoid therapy, To check for causes of secondary osteoporosis, BMD testing one to two years after initiating therapy to reduce fracture risk and every two years thereafter, More frequent testing in certain clinical situations, Longer interval between repeat BMD tests for patients without major risk factors and who have an initial T-score in the normal or upper lowbone mass range, Risk factors: glucocorticoid use (> 3 months cumulative therapy in past year), high-risk medication use, hypogonadism or premature menopause (age < 45 years), malabsorption syndrome, hyperparathyroidism, other associated disorders, Low body weight (< 60 kg [132 lb]) or weight loss (> 10% of weight at 25 years of age), Vertebral fracture or osteopenia on radiography, Repeat BMD testing in one to three years and reassess risk in moderate- and high-risk groups, United Kingdom National Osteoporosis Guideline Group, Case finding for BMD assessment is based on risk factor assessment and comparison of risk to age- and sex-specific fracture probabilities, Screen for osteoporosis in women 65 years and older, and in younger women whose fracture risk is equal to or greater than that of a 65-year-old white woman who has no additional risk factors, Current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening for osteoporosis in men, Central nervous system disorders (e.g., epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, spinal cord injury, stroke), Endocrine/metabolic disorders (adrenal insufficiency, athletic amenorrhea, Cushing syndrome, hemochromatosis, homocystinuria, primary hyperparathyroidism, hyperprolactinemia, hyperthyroidism, primary or secondary hypogonadism, premature menopause, thyrotoxicosis, type 1 diabetes mellitus), Gastrointestinal disorders (celiac disease, gastric bypass, inflammatory bowel disease, malabsorption, pancreatic insufficiency, primary biliary cirrhosis), Hematologic disorders (hemophilia, leukemia and lymphomas, monoclonal gammopathies, multiple myeloma, sickle cell disease, thalassemia), Human immunodeficiency virus infection or AIDS, Nutrition disorders (alcoholism, anorexia nervosa/bulimia, malnutrition, vitamin A excess, vitamin D deficiency), Anticonvulsants (e.g., phenobarbital, phenytoin [Dilantin]), Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and antagonists, Thiazolidinediones (e.g., pioglitazone [Actos]), 4 drinks per day for men or 2 drinks per day for women, 2.5 cups of coffee or 5 cups of tea per day, Multicomponent exercise with strength and balance training, Consider drug discontinuation after 5 years in low-risk patients, Small risk of atypical femoral shaft fractures; osteonecrosis of the jaw, Alendronate/cholecalciferol (Fosamax Plus D), Muscular and joint pains; small risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw (especially older women with poor dental hygiene or cancer) Contraindications: hypocalcemia; pregnancy. The same absolute values are used in men. The current National Osteoporosis Foundation Guide recommends treating patients with FRAX 10-year risk scores of > or = 3% for hip fracture or > or = 20% for major osteoporotic fracture, to reduce their fracture risk. Osteoporosis-related fractures affect approximately one in two white women and one in five white men in their lifetime. This informationcan help your doctor decide whether further action needs to be taken. They are written by UK doctors and based on research evidence, UK and European Guidelines, so you may find the language more technical than the condition leaflets. Causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment. At that time the University hosted the The World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Metabolic Bone Do you have a question about how theFracture Risk Calculatorworks for you?Find answers on theCalculator Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. FRAX is short for Fracture Risk Assessment Tool. note: This review updates a previous article on this topic by Sweet, Sweet, Jeremiah, and Galazka.29. These may be lifestyle and dietary measures, or medication. Reduced bone density 9 is a major risk factor for fragility fractures. The output is a 10-year probability of hip fracture and the 10-year probability of a major osteoporotic fracture (clinical spine, forearm, hip or shoulder fracture). PO Box 688, Wellington 6140, http://www.garvan.org.au/bone-fracture-risk/. How Does Resistance Training Prevent Osteoporosis. A 10-year fracture risk of 10% is considered to be the threshold for arranging a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan in men and women. More than 10 million Americans have osteoporosis, which is defined by the National Osteoporosis Foundation as a chronic, progressive disease characterized by low bone mass, microarchitecture deterioration of bone tissue, bone fragility, and a consequent increase in fracture risk.1 Roughly 50% of white women and 20% of white men have a fracture related to osteoporosis in their lifetime; although black men and women are at lower risk of osteoporosis, those with osteoporosis have similar fracture risk.1 Osteoporotic fractures are associated with increased risk of disability, nursing home placement, total health care costs, and mortality (Table 1).13 Osteoporosis risk increases with age, and its impact will increase as the U.S. population ages.3 Table 2 lists risk factors for osteoporosis.2, 10 million Americans 50 years and older have osteoporosis of the hip, 1.5 million Americans have osteoporotic fracture (40% of women and 10% of men will have a fracture of the hip, spine, or wrist), 10% to 20% increased mortality at one year after a fracture, Total costs projected to rise from $18 billion in 2002 to $25 billion by 2025. You can read more about the risk assessment model and scores used in the tool.. Low insulin levels in childhood or adolescence may lead to weaker bones and an increased risk of fractures in adulthood. The purpose of FRAX is to characterise fracture risk so that decisions can be facilitated on the need for treatment and, in some instances, the type of treatment [6, 13].This demands the consideration of intervention thresholds which, in the case of FRAX, is the 10-year probability of fracture above which pharmacological intervention should be considered. The FRAX score can help doctors identify people who might need additional support. All information should be verified by a qualified health professional, and all use is subject to Medicalalgorithms.com Terms and Conditions. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. Why fractions matter. The tool can be used for the following US . During the test, you lie down and a scanner passes over your body. Several simplified paper versions, based on the number of risk factors are also available, and can be downloaded for office use. MDCalc. If the field is left blank, then a "no" response is assumed. Consuming more than 2.5 units of caffeine daily (1 unit = one cup of coffee or two cups of tea) may increase fracture risk.24 Diets with adequate protein intake are necessary for optimal bone health, but the proper amount or source (plant vs. animal) remains controversial. You may opt out of these messages at any time. Enter yes or no. Inflammatory diseases like Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis that require more than 5 milligrams/day of steroids cause rapid bone loss by affecting the bone remodeling process. Purpose: To estimate a patient's 10-year risk for osteoporotic fracture based on the FRAX WHO fracture risk assessment tool of Kanis et al. Results: According to the FRAX algorithm (without BMD), 61.6% of our cohort require treatment. Several simplified paper versions, based on the number of risk factors are also available, and can be downloaded for . To help determine your risk for such an injury, doctors developed the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX). The osteoporosis self-assessment tool (OST) 1 in women is a simple formula that predicts risk of osteoporosis for the patient based solely on current weight and age. by CJ Crandall 2019 Cited by 33 - Incident hip fractures and major osteoporotic fractures (MOF) during 10-year FRAX includes the following risk factors: age, sex, weight . Women younger than 65 years should be screened for osteoporosis if the estimated 10-year fracture risk equals or exceeds that of a 65-year-old white woman with no risk factors. The site and reference technology is DXA at the femoral neck. - http://www.garvan.org.au/bone-fracture-risk The model accepts ages between 40 and 90 years. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. The need for follow-up bone mineral density testing in patients receiving treatment for osteoporosis is uncertain. Garvan Institute Assessment Tool It is based on individual patient models that integrate the risks associated with clinical risk factors as well as bone mineral density (BMD) at the femoral neck. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry to screen all women 65 years and older, and younger women who have an increased fracture risk as determined by the FRAX Fracture Risk Assessment Tool. The International Osteoporosis Foundation supports the maintenance and development of FRAX. [corrected] Although guidelines for rescreening women with normal initial screening results are lacking, recent evidence suggests that intervals of at least four years appear safe.8,9, The USPSTF found insufficient evidence to recommend routine screening for osteoporosis in men.5 Men with a minimal trauma fracture who are older than 50 years or those with secondary causes associated with bone loss could be considered for screening. The WHO criteria should not be applied to men younger than 50 years, children, or premenopausal women. The FRAX score (with BMD) identified 46.8% of patients who had DXA suitable for treatment, in contrast to 19.1% by the T-score alone. Male Female Age Fractures since the age of 50 (excluding major trauma, e.g. address 95 Aldwych, London WC2B 4JF, United Kingdom. Objective. Reduce bone loss and build stronger muscles. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force found insufficient evidence to recommend screening for osteoporosis in men; other organizations recommend screening all men 70 years and older. Bisphosphonates should be used as first-line pharmacologic treatment for osteoporosis. Weight must be between 70 and 300 pounds. Calculator Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. How has Covid-19 affected the treatment of osteoporosis? Specialty: Surgery, orthopedic, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Objective: risk factors, severity, prognosis, stage, selection, 32,000 Evidence-Based Health Analytics for Education, Research, Clinical Decision Support, Documentation, EHR Integration and Data Analytics, Please separate multiple email IDs with comma (,), Copyright 2007 to 2023 The Medical Algorithms Company Limited |, The Simplified Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation (SCORE) to Help Identify Women at Risk for Low Bone Density, The ABONE (Age, Body Size, No Estrogen) Score to Select Women for Osteoporosis Screening, Score of Roux et al for Predicting a Vertebral Fracture in a Postmenopausal Woman with Osteoporosis and Back Pain, DOEScore of Nguyen et al for Identifying a Postmenopausal Woman with Low Bone Mineral Density, Prognostic Nomogram of van Geel et al for Predicting Absolute Risk of Fracture at 5 and 10 Years for a Postmenopausal Woman, Lung Disease Treated with Corticosteroids | Reducing Risk of Osteoporosis, Male Osteoporosis Risk Estimation Score (MORES), SOFSURF Index to Identify a Postmenopausal Woman with Osteoporosis, FRACTURE Index for Predicting Risk in a Postmenopausal Woman, Clinical Diagnosis, Including Family History For Genetics, Osteoporosis Prescreening Risk Assessment (OPERA) Tool.

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